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PHP Class Object

Object and Class in PHP

  • Class is a blueprint of related data members(proerties/variable) and methods(function).
  • Classes are the fundamental construct behind oops.
  • Class is a self contained independent collection of variables and functions, which work together to perform one or more specific related task.
Note: Variables within a class are called properties and functions are called methods

How to define a class

Class always start with "class" keyword. After this write class name without parentheses. Syntax
class demo


code to be executed



class demo

function add()





echo "sum of given no=".$sum."<br/>";	


function sub()





echo "Sub of given no=".$sub;	





  • Object is the instance of the class.
  • Once a class has been defined, objects can be created from the class through "new" keyword.
  • class methods and properties can directly be accessed through this object instance.
  • Connector(Dot operator->) symbol used to connect objects to their properties or methods.
Note: You can not access any property of the class without their object> Syntax
  $obj= new demo();


class demo


function add()





echo "sum of given no=".$sum."<br/>";


function sub()





echo "Sub of given no=".$sub;	



$obj= new demo();




Output Sum=1000 Subtraction=500

Ex ii


class demo


var   $msg="welcome";

function test()


echo  "Users";    	


$obj= new demo();

echo  $obj->msg;

Output welcome users

Using Parametrized method

class demo
function add($a,$b)


echo "Sum=".$sum."<br/>";	


function sub($x,$y)



echo "Subtraction=".$sub;	



$obj= new demo();


Output Sum=1000 Subtraction=500

Create dynamic program using oops(Numbers entered by user)


class demo


function add($a,$b)



echo "Sum=".$sum."<br/>";	


function sub($x,$y)



echo "Subtraction=".$sub;	



$obj= new demo();




Enter first number<input type="text" name="f"/><hr/>

Enter second number<input type="text" name="s"/><hr/>

<input type="submit" value="Show result"/>


Output Sum=1500 Subtraction=500 Enter first number Enter second number

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