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JavaScript pow() Method

JavaScript pow() Method

The Math pow()  Method in JavaScript is used to returns the base to the exponent power means power of a number. In other words, the base value m raised to the nth power. Generally, it is always used as Math.pow() because the pow() method in Math object is static function.

Math.pow (base, exponent)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
x It Required the base
y It Required the exponent

Browser Support

Method Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
pow() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Here is an example of JavaScript pow() Method
<p>It multiplies the number five times like 6*6*6*6*6</p>
<button onclick="myPow()">click me</button>
<p id="pow"></p>
function myPow() {
  document.getElementById("pow").innerHTML = Math.pow(6, 5);

It multiplies the number five times like 6*6*6*6*6

Example 2:
	document.write(Math.pow(-5, 0.3)); 

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