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PHP date_sunrise() Function

PHP date_sunrise() Function

PHP date_sunrise() function is used to get the sunrise time for a specified day and location. It returns the sunrise time of the place based on the given latitude, longitude, zenith, and gmt offrise of that place.


date_sunrise(timestamp, format, latitude, longitude, zenith, gmtoffrise);

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
timestamp This is a required parameter. This parameter defines the timestamp of the day from which the sunrise time is taken.
format This is an optional parameter. This parameter defines how to return the result.
latitude This is an optional parameter. This parameter defines the latitude of the location.
longitude This is an optional parameter. This parameter defines the longitude of the location.
zenith This is an optional parameter. This parameter defines zenith value.
gmtoffrise This is an optional parameter. This parameter defines the difference between GMT and local time in hours.

Here is an example of date_sunrise() function in PHP:

echo "Sunrise time: ";
echo date_sunrise(time());

Sunrise time: 04:33

Example 2:

echo "Date: ".date("D M d Y");
echo "<br>";
echo "Sunrise time in India today: ";
Date: Fri Jan 31 2020
Sunrise time in India today: 06:28

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