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C Program to store time in an integer variable

C Program to store time in an integer variable

In this example, we will see a C program through which we can store time in an integer variable.

In this way we can print the time through that variable.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int hh,mm,ss;
int time;
printf("Enter time (hh:mm:ss) format: ");
printf("\nEntered time is: %02d:%02d:%02d\n",hh,mm,ss);
/*adding hh,mm,ss into time*/
/*Range of hh,mm,ss are 0 to 59 and it can be stored
*in 1+1+1 = 3 bytes*/
time   |= (hh&0xff); /*hh storing in byte 0*/
time   |= (mm&0xff)<<8; /*mm storing in byte 1*/
time   |= (ss&0xff)<<16; /*ss storing in byte 2*/
printf("Time in single variable: %d [Hex: %08X] \n",time,time);
/*Extracting hh,mm,ss from time (an integer value)*/
hh = (time &0xff); /*hh from byte 0*/
mm = ((time>>8)& 0xff); /*mm from byte 1*/
ss = ((time>>16)&0xff); /*ss from byte 2*/
printf("Time after extracting: %02d:%02d:%02d\n",hh,mm,ss);
return 0;

Enter time (hh:mm:ss) format: 12:25:33
Entered time is: 12:25:33
Time in single variable: 2169100 [Hex: 0021190C]
Time after extracting: 12:25:33

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