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Ngx Bootstrap Overview

Ngx Bootstrap Overview

In Angular Based projects, ngx-bootstrap is a very common library for the use of bootstrap components. It comprises almost all of Bootstrap's core components. By design, ngx-bootstrap components are modular, extensible and adaptable. The key highlights of this bootstrap library are below.


  • By design, all components are modular. Styles can easily be added to custom models.
  • Both components are extensible and adaptable and work with the same ease and consistency on the desktop and mobile.


  • Both components use the latest style guides and code maintainability and readability guidelines.
  • All components are fully unit-tested and the latest angular versions are supported.

Extensive Documentation

  • All components are extensively documented and well written.
  • To exhibit multiple types of functions, all components have multiple working demos.

Open Source

The ngx-bootstrap project is open source. It's provided by the MIT License.

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