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Reactjs Introduction

A Brief Introduction Of The ReactJS

It is basically known to be an open source, efficient, declarative, and flexible JavaScript library that is generally used to build the reusable UI components. It is generally known to be a front end library that is designed as component-based and is held responsible for the view layer of the application only. Mr. Jordan Walke, who was a part of the Facebook and worked as a Software Engineer at Facebook is known to be the inventor of the ReactJS. After being developed by the Facebook at the initial stage, it was developed and maintained by them and later on it was used in the products of Facebook that are WhatsApp & Instagram. The year in which the Facebook developed ReactJS was 2011 and the place was Facebook's newsfeed section then it was released for public use in the month of May 2013.

An applications of ReactJS is known to be made up of the multiple components among which each component that is present in it is responsible for outputting a small, reusable piece of HTML code. The heart of all the react applications is known as the core of ReactJS. In order to allow complex applications to be built of simple building blocks, these components are generally nested with various other components. In order to fill data in HTML DOM, virtual DOM based mechanism is used by the ReactJS. This mechanism is used as it is known to work fast due to its working that involve the changing of individual DOM elements instead of reloading the complete DOM each time.

In order to create the react app that is known to correspond to various elements, react components are written. These components are organized inside higher level components that defines the application structure.

Why You Should Lean ReactJS

React is one of the JavaScript frameworks that came into the market and gained popularity amongst the numerous frameworks that are available in the industry and that is why you should look for the best ReactJS tutorial point, in order to gain the most of it and develop your knowledge on the subject and practice the examples. PHPTPOINT’s tutorials are the best source to learn this framework as the subjects are described in detail in these tutorials. The previous framework of the React uses traditional data flow structure that is DOM (Document Object Model). Each time a web page is loaded, an object is created by the browser and that object is known as DOM. Each time a new DOM is created for the same page whenever a new modification is done and the data is whether added or removed at the back end dynamically. This repeatedly creation of DOM generally leads to unnecessary memory wastage and it is known to reduce the performance of the application in the React.

Hence, in order to withdraw these flaws, a new technology ReactJS framework was invented that has been very successful in removing this drawback. The entire application can be divided into various components by the ReactJS. It is known to still use the same traditional data flow, but the change that has happened is that it is not directly operating on the browser's Document Object Model (DOM) instead it has started operating on a virtual DOM. That simply means that rather than manipulating the document in a browser after the changes to the data, ReactJS resolves the changes on a DOM that is built and run entirely in memory. React determines what changes made to the actual browser's DOM, after the updating of the virtual DOM. The web browser's DOM contains the React virtual DOM that is a mere representation of it.

Features in the ReactJS

ReactJs is known to have many important features that are as follows:

  • Components :We can say that components are the main part of the React. The programmer will have to keep in mind that everything is a component in the ReactJS as it will assist them in while developing a large scale projects.
  • License :We all know that react has been developed by the Facebook and hence the document is licensed under CC by 4.0 of Facebook Inc.
  • JSX :It is basically JavaScript syntax extension and it is generally recommended by the developers to use the JSX in development of websites.
  • Flux and unidirectional data flow :One-way data flow is implemented by the ReactJS making it easy for your app. In order to keep the data unidirectional, Flux is used that is basically a pattern.

Advantages that are provided by the ReactJS

There are many advantages of using ReactJS, some of them are as follows:

  • ReactJS is compatible with other frameworks as well with the client and server side.
  • Virtual DOM that is a JavaScript Object that is known to enhance the Apps performance is used by the ReactJS. The main reason to use virtual DOM is that it is generally faster than the regular version of the DOM.
  • In order to maintain the larger apps, component and data patterns are used by the ReactJS that are known to improve readability.

Limitations that are present in the ReactJS

ReactJS is known to have very few limitations as compared to other of its kind. Here are the limitations that are known to be applied to the ReactJS:

  • Some developers might feel a degree of discomfort while using ReactJS as it uses the JSX and inline templating.
  • Users have to choose some other technologies in order to get a complete set of tools that are required for development as ReactJS is known to cover only the view layer of the app.

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