E-Newspaper (News at your doorsteps) Name of Newspaper: E-Newspaper Home page: members view page Display different navigation links
1. Register as user and login
2. E-newspaper by category: news , details, date and journalist name
a. Social News
b. Political
c. Economic
d. Educational
e. Sports
f. International
The news in a different language English, Members can comment under the articles display their name, date and time.
Members can also download the news in a pdf format.
3. Flip Newspaper you can use (Javascript for it) you can put images that flip and I will modify the pictures folder. You can copy somewhere if it’s not possible to make
4. Search Article by name category, date, and search any query.
5. Gallery: upload different videos and display side by side.
6. Upload Videos: members can watch it.
7. Archives. The admin can save all news to the archive.
8. Contact us: again send on email.
1. The admin just need to have login access.
2. The admin panel.
a. Upload functions (with textbox and button)
b. Upload news, along with an images. Update news, images, Delete news and images
3. Upload flip newspaper if possible.
4. Upload photos for gallery by dates with a hyperlink to enlarge and Delete button.
5. Upload videos (with textbox and button) and if can download you see.
6. Delete members The news we will upload it, just give us the layout and functionalities
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